This is for creators, who want to use brand building approach in their business / career / community etc.

Doesn’t matter the industry, branch, field of interests.


When you feel that so much more is possible with what you do, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Session will give you all the answers.

Or – if what you have is only an idea. Session will help you evaluate it and show you what you can’t see: hidden potential but also – the challenges.


I love to do it in person.

If there are time / budget constrains, an online version is also possible.


Your Wisdom

All the answers already exist within you. We enable a space — for you and your team — so that brilliant solutions coming straight from the hearts of empowered creators can joyfully unfold.

Radical Collaboration

The turbulent times we live in require nothing less than being proactive in finding ways we can support one another. We love to break traditional barriers and apply an attitude of trust and generosity.

Dream Extremism

It’s extremely important to nurture dreams and be really bold about them.


Regeneration is nature’s way. It’s an invitation for humanity to focus on the process of revitalizing our communities and ecosystems, and putting life and connection at the forefront of every decision we make. Our current economic system is outdated and unsustainable. It’s robbing our future and degrading our planet. We need to shift towards a regenerative system that prioritizes healing, repair, and balance with nature. It’s time to move beyond just “sustainability” and start regenerating.

Joyful Co-Creation

We love to invite synergies and treat the process and outcomes as common.

Empathy Amplification

Empathy can be awakened and deepened. And it is profitable. Empathizing with the brand tribe, (customers, employees, partners) means to see, hear, feel and take care of them. It makes them happy. They become loyal.

In-Person Connection

Technology is great, yet it will never fully replicate life. There are levels of communication that are impossible to achieve solely through even the most immersive video calls. We are happy to travel to have face-to-face meetings and live workshops. We cherish the luxury of human connection. We envision traveling together, business retreats & co-living.


We love to work with those, who share our servitude mindset towards life. It’s not just about the environment, but also about the people.
Let’s put life at the center of brands, nurturing the community, practicing kindness, and choosing revolutionary acts of regeneration.

Click on "Let's Go!"

Hi, I'm Alex

I'm a big empath with creative and strategic skills. I love helping good people doing good things. Let me support your business dreams coming true.